Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday Thank-Yous!

A big thank-you to MissHSoo for my very first blog award!
Part of the fun of this award is that each recipient is supposed to list 7 fun facts about him or herself, and then pass it on to eight other blogs that s/he believes are worthy. Read on for some links to the blogs of others whom I wish to thank today!

Seven fun facts about me:
1. In 2007, I toured Hawai'i playing jazz cowbell.
2. I once assisted with a dental surgery on a dogfaced puffer fish.
3. I am a board-certified music therapist (MT-BC).
4. I once won $1000 in a "name the celebrity milk moustache" contest.
5. I remixed and choreographed my wedding dance with TMG. The video has over 6,000 views on YouTube.
6. I didn't get my driver's license until a month before my 20th birthday.
7. I haven't eaten any part of a mammal since 1996.

 And now, eight blogs worthy of this award (in no particular order):

1. TMG (
2. Christine (
3. Jasmine (
4. nursenikkiknits (
5. Mrs. H Knits (
6. Paula (
7. Faith (
8. Sandra (

Thanks again for the lovely award, and please do check out all of these other lovely blogs if you get the chance!

1 comment:

  1. I just noticed your incoming link (duh) - thank you!
